In order to tackle global warming and its negative impacts the world community needs to take actions. Transforming the building sector towards efficiency plays a key role in this context since heating, supply of warm water and cooling in private households account for approx. 80 % of the overall European energy consumption.
The Baltic Sea Conference Energy Efficient Cities, which will take place on the 17th and 18th of October in Gdynia (Poland), aims at addressing this topic with a focus on energy efficiency in municipalities. While many Baltic and other European municipalities already developed so-called “Sustainable Energy Action Plans” (SEAPs), they often face difficulties in the actual implementation and measurement of them.
With stimulating presentations from engaging and experienced speakers on issues such as “Energy efficiency in local climate strategies” or “Fields of action to increase energy efficiency in cities”, the conference provides the platform to examine the existing challenges, get new inspirations and learn from best practice examples. Specifically, the conference focuses on transformation of SEAPs into tangible measures and the municipalities need to meet new EU legal requirements regarding energy efficiency in the near future. The active involvement of the participants in one of the workshops next to the expert presentations provides valuable space for information exchange.
The conference is arranged in the framework of two Interreg Baltic Sea Region projects Act Now! and LowTEMP which are focusing on new concepts and solutions to enhance energy efficiency at local and regional level. Act Now! aims at capacity building in municipalities and energy efficiency measures in public buildings, whereas LowTEMP is dealing with efficiency benefits arising from modern low temperature district heating systems. The conference is organized by the Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery in the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMP) in Gdansk which is a member of the Act Now! consortium and lead partner of the LowTEMP project.
Registration for the event has been closed.